John Phillip Groves was born on September 14, 1942 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; the son of John William and Maxine Mae (Phillips) Groves. He was raised and attended school in Tulsa, graduating from Nathan Hale High School in 1961. Upon graduation from high school, John attended Oklahoma State University where he was a member of the Cowboy Marching Band. After completion of his education,John accepted employment as a car salesman with Conine Schwab Porsche Audi andlater Precision Imports in Tulsa. He later accepted a position as sales managerfor Spraker Volkswagen. While working at Spraker Volkswagen, John was involvedsignificantly in automobile financing which led to his interest in mortgagebanking. He then began a career as a mortgage banker working at numerous lendinginstitutions in Tulsa and finally with MidFirst Bank. John was married to MarySue Thomas on November 10, 1972 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The couple made theirinitial home in Tulsa and then moved to Ridgemont Estates on Keystone Lake, nearCleveland. Later the couple returned to the Sand Springs area as they managed anapartment complex after John’s retirement from the banking industry. Johnwas an avid fisherman and golfer. He loved spending time outdoors and spentcountless hours on the lake or golf course. He especially enjoyed fishing withhis friends Gill Ogles and Mike Ludwig, along with his wife, Mary Sue andgrandson, Ryan Fowler. He has caught large black bass in numerous lakesthroughout the area but really liked fishing at Lake Guerro in Nuevo Padilla,Tamaulipas (180 miles south of the Texas border). He always dreamed of being aprofessional fisherman. As enthusiastic as he was about fishing, he had a stronglove for the game of golf. His favorite courses in the area included White Hawknear Bixby and the Sand Springs Public Golf Course. He enjoyed spending timewith his family, playing golf and teaching the basic skills of golf to them. Heeven attempted to qualify for the Senior Professional Golfers tour.Additionally, John had an eye for automobiles and enjoyed many beautiful carsthroughout his life including a 1955 Thunderbird Convertible, Gold Corvette,Medium Blue Corvette, and a Red Jaguar XKE; ensuring that each vehicle wasmaintained in an immaculate condition. John was described by his family andfriends as a thoughtful and loving husband, father, grandfather and brother. Ifhe was involved in something it was usually at the level of 110% and he waspassionate about it. He displayed a shifty wit, known as the “Groves Wit.” Heloved his family, especially his grandchildren, Ryan and Laci who called himPop. His concern for others was evident throughout his life and was exemplifiedon a trip to Forbes Field in Pittsburg when he was younger. He caught a foulball that was hit during a Pirate game and promptly presented it to a young fanin a wheelchair, stating that the young man would have caught the ball if Johnwasn’t in his way. When his sister was hurt in an automobile accident, he madesure flowers were sent to a lady that assisted her to the hospital. Along withhis quick wit, John was spontaneous and loved to surprise people; ensuring thatChristmas was always a great family event. “Keep you head down” was often one ofhis favorite quotes as he would attempt to help Kari in her golf game, alongwith “Oh My Goodness”, probably when she made a great shot thanks to hiscoaching. John passed away on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at the St JohnMedical Center at the age of sixty-six. He was preceded in death by his father,John William Groves and his mother, Maxine Mae Groves. He is survived by hiswife Mary Sue Groves of the home in Sand Springs, Oklahoma; two daughters andtheir husbands, Monica and Brad Cox of Eufaula, Oklahoma and Kari and TravisBlack of Cleveland, Oklahoma; step-daughter and her husband, Gina and JeffYrttima of New Symra, Florida; adpoted daughter, Beverly Trudell of Tulsa,Oklahoma; a brother and his wife, David and Julie Groves of Humble, Texas; twosisters and their husbands, Rebecca and Mark Gassaway of The Woodlands, Texasand Kathleen and Mike Howard of Sapulpa, Oklahoma; grandchildren, Ryan Fowler ofCleveland, Oklahoma, Laci Lankford Black of Cleveland, Oklahoma and Kodi andLiberty Cox of Eufaula, Oklahoma; mother-in-law, Mary Pierce of Wagoner,Oklahoma; and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at2:00 p.m., Saturday, August 29, 2009 at the Chapel of the Chapman-Black FuneralHome with Rev. Matt Blair officiating. Burial will be at the Woodland Cemeteryin Cleveland under the direction of the Chapman-Black Funeral Home.