I made it all the way to the end. At least that's the way it feels to me. Didn't get cut off early as too many have. Had the exquisite pleasure of living a life of curiosity and learning that allowed me to try many things and live in many places. To feel free and safe in this great country.
What I will miss most — a ridiculous notion for someone who has never believed in life after death, God, angels, or supernatural anythings — is being around to see what comes next. Lots of nexts. Next in new discoveries in medicine and science. Next with how the world's troubles unfold. I will miss music, beauty of all kinds, wild creatures, the natural world, and intelligent conversation.
But it is people I will miss most. My beloved wife and companion in life, Doris Ober, whose love, warmth, good humor, intelligence, talent, and values have enriched my life for decades. My sister Ellen for her affection, many accomplishments, and take on life. Her husband Steve for his integrity, humor, and culinary gifts. My cousins Jim, Fritz, and Burt, sources of family pride. And my dear friends — whose names my forgetful mind dares not list for fear of omitting someone dear and cherished. And my so very special community in West Marin whose existence allowed me to flourish in a life of curiosity and gratitude for the last 40 years.
I leave with these thoughts: Oppose war, be kind to each other, make music and art, travel, and speak out against intolerance, ignorance, and superstition. Embrace humor, responsibility, honesty, and respect for the truth.