Dad loved his Igbo family and community. He was most happy when he was amongst his Igbo family. I remember him stepping out at night drenched in cologne to celebrate whatever Igbo event that was taking place. He loved cars so working at Ford Motor company was a love career. He knew everything about cars. He was a Mercedes driver. If you asked him about a car be prepared to get a mouth full.
He loved sports. He ran track in college. His team was the Minnesota Vikings, however he love individual players. You want stats, you want a commentator, all you had to do was call him.
He love his futu. Everyday he made him soup and fufu before going to work. He also loved what he calls, pop and others call it, soda. His favorite grocery store was, Cub Foods. He would buy the 4boxes of 12 packs of pop everytime he went shopping. His favorite clothing store was Marshals and TJ Maxx. He had more clothes then any women I know.